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Managing Contacts as easy as 1-2-3
January 26, 2009 9:00AM
by: Dean Bowen
Category(s): Managing Contacts
Managing Contacts is a way of thinking and organization.  Think of your Contacts in three simple classifications: Prospect Customer Raving Fan In order... (more)

Managing Contacts is a way of thinking and organization.  Think of your Contacts in three simple classifications:

  1. Prospect
  2. Customer
  3. Raving Fan

In order for you to know who is a Prospect, Customer or Raving Fan commit to the following:

  1. Locate where you keep all of your Contacts (on an average before people start with the e-volve formula people have at least 4 locations/databases where they store their Contacts).
  2. Pick a "Master Database" that you will always add, edit or delete Contact information.  Once you've done that, import all of your lists into the Master Database.
  3. Keep you Mater Database classifications up-to-date.  When a Prospect becomes a Customer, update you records.  When a Contact becomes a Raving Fan Update your Master Database.

That's it.  If you keep your Contacts Classified by Prospect, Customer and Raving Fan you will be able to know how your business is growing, you will know who you can cultivate and best of all you can Communicate with one or all Classifications in less than 5 minutes.

"New thinking.  New Results"