90 Days to a better business Weblog


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Can you benefit from increased productivity, more appreciation and greater achievement? Get it now.
November 8, 2010 9:00AM
by: Dean Bowen
So the question quickly comes to mind, how can i get increased productivity, have more appreciation for the people and... (more)

So the question quickly comes to mind, how can i get increased productivity, have more appreciation for the people and things around me and greater achievement? 

First things first - know your audience.  If you know who a Prospect, Customer and a Raving Fan is, you'll know who they are, what they are looking to get from you and what value you can provide them.  When you know who you're speaking to you can produce more value in a shorter time frame.  Prospects are looking for credibility to work with you.  Customers are looking for education, how to, what are others doing and benefiting from your product.  Ravings Fans are looking for stories they can repeat about you  and how they were able to know the story before anyone else did. 

By knowing your audience you are able to increase your productivity by only sharing what's valuable to them.  By limiting what you share with them minimizes how much information they need to process which they will appreciate.  Less time together with more value increases their confidence in you and minimizes the stress and often sense of being overwhelmed with all the talking points in theier heads. 

Can you think of a time when you were providing the wrong information and the person just got frustrated?  There's no productivity for you or them.  On the other hand, have you ever been able to share with someone an idea, product, solution and the lights went on and they said "thank you."  Everyone one in the relationship benefited.

In today's world, less is more.  Less time you as a vendor/service provider spends talking and more time you spend listening the more your Prospects and Customers get what they are looking for.

When you provide this type of value to your relationships they express greater appreciation to you for the value you provided them.  You feel productive, people express more gratitude for your efforts thus you feel more appreciated and ultimately you feel more achievement in your day.

If you know your audience (Contact type) you'll know what message they are looking for (Content) and you'll know the best way to share (Communicate) with them.  Do this and watch how you will  experience an increase in productivity, have more appreciation for the people and things around you and have a greater sense of achievement.

Had a time when you experienced this?  Please share in our comments field below.


"New thinking.  New Results"