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evolve Custom Design Themes
November 22, 2010

A common misconception of evolve is that it is just for blogging and that you are limited with design and organization. This is NOT true. Evolve is very flexible and you can have the design as custom as you want. The way evolve handles custom design is just different than static type sites.

Evolve is CSS based. After your first 90 days of the program (your time may be shorter) you can modify the off-the-shelf template design. Our design partners can create a custom design for you for your homepage or any or some of your sub pages.

These designs are called "Themes". In addition to themes that can be applied, evolve has what we call templates. They are not templates where everything is cookie-cutter. Templates are more similar to page layouts. For instance, you may want your homepage to look completely different than your subpages. This means that you will need to use a different template on your homepage. Plus, you may want to have several sections that look completely different than the rest of the site. This is all done with templates. Although they are called templates, templates are actually custom designed layouts of pages.

If you would like to learn more please call evolve at: (415) 449-1901 if you're in California and (303) 586-6419 if youre in Colorado.

"New thinking.  New Results"